2.35 1 aspect ratio calculator
2.35 1 aspect ratio calculator

2.35 1 aspect ratio calculator

Often you will see booms and other bits of junk at the top and botton of the picture because the telecine operator snuck into the normally cropped-out area of the original neg in order to get as much of the left and right of the film in as possible. You can see a side effect of this if you look at a 4:3 telecine'd version for TV.

2.35 1 aspect ratio calculator


Then the projectionist just zooms in a bit to fill the screen, and/or adjusts the curtains to change the screen shape a bit.Ĭropping is quite common for movie prints. Another is to crop the top and bottom of the negative with black bars when making a print copy. One is to use an anamorphic lens to shoot, then project that way. There are lots of ways to achieve very wide screen images. If anyone knows of a program that works, could they let us know please.Īspect ratios are an interesting problem. I have tried all sorts of programs so to copy them and enlarge at the same with not much result, there is a program called re-aspect i think by adobe that may do it, and a program from dvd-lab which also may do it, got it to work once then could n't again. It must be laziness by the film studios etc, when producing the dvds, as there must be a simple computer program which would stretch the film score with no degradation. We are not in a cinema with a 50 foot screen we are a home with much smaller screens and the reasoning as you mention is to give us the "cinema feeling" which is totally floored, as to give us that "cinema feeling", obviously the screen would be the biggest size possible, and not cutting a third of the screen away, and the only way around it is to zoom which degrades the picture, even in 720p etc. Hi i feel the exactly same way, i cant stand watching in "Narrow screen" i call it.

2.35 1 aspect ratio calculator